These are some pretty funny pics of dogs and pups. as soon as you see these pics you will laugh your head off! (Well, don’t worry, not literally!) These are great, funny pics. “I want to see more,” you’ll say. “These are great!” Well, you sure can see more because I will be putting more on my website!

Wow! that bulldog can stick out his tongue! (Well, that’s not polite, is it?) Do you think dogs know that it’s not polite to stick out your tongue?

This guy is looking out the window. He’s looking at you!

This dalmatian is licking his nose. Yuck! Well, there might a crumb on his nose. Do you think?

This gal is laughing at all the funny pics I showed you.

Wow, nice glasses pup! You look good in them! Were you playing dress-pup with your friends?

Is this dog a giraffe? NO it’s a dog with a long neck.